Two famous and victorious battelis fovght in Ireland - the I. by Sir William Saintleger, Lord President of Munster against a great number of the rebels neer the city of Cork and after a long and tedious fight lasting three dayes, put the rebels to flight, beating them out of their quarters slew neer upon 2000 April 20 : the second by the Lord Inchequid and Colonel Vavasour against the Lord Muskry, neer Rochfort, April 22, with the number that were slain in this battle : also a challenge sent by the Lord Musgrave to the President of Munster, with the manner of the sending it on the top of a pike likewise the names of the chief commanders of the Protestant army in Ireland : whereunto is annexed the copy of a letter sent from Ireland and read in the House of Commons

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Printed for Iohn Wels 1642 England, London [8] sidor.